Our sponsors are our partners in bringing Martin Auto Museum’s fine automobiles to the public. We only accept sponsorships from companies that we trust and we believe that if you need any of their services, you can trust them for your business.
Interested in Becoming a Sponsor?
Review the options below and email us at museum.martin@gmail.com if interested!
Gold Sponsor: $50,000 annually
- Bristol Ballroom named after you or your business
- Use of the facility two times per year for private events or car shows
- Gold sponsor signage throughout museum
- Gold sponsor recognition on website
- Gold sponsor recognition on all marketing materials
- Signage outside museum during car shows
- Email blast to our entire database introducing you as a Gold sponsor
- 20% discount on all museum room bookings
Title Sponsor: $25,000 annually
- Mustang Meeting Room named after you or your business
- Use of the facility one time per year for private events or car shows
- Title sponsor signage throughout museum
- Title sponsor recognition on website
- Title sponsor recognition on all marketing materials
- Email blast to our entire database introducing you as a Title sponsor
- 10% discount on museum room bookings
Foundation Sponsor: $10,000 annually
- Cadillac Classroom or Corvette Corner named after you or your business
- Use of the facility one time per year for private events or car shows
- Foundation sponsor recognition on website
- Foundation sponsor recognition in all marketing materials
- 5% discount on museum room bookings
Supporting Sponsor: $5,000 annually
- Supporting sponsor recognition on website
- Supporting sponsor recognition on all marketing materials
- Your company’s flyers/brochures on display at museum entrance
Friends & Family Sponsor: $1,000 annually
- Friends & Family sponsor recognition on website
- Your company’s flyer’s/brochures on display at entrance